Iodine is also known as iodide, and it is a completely natural mineral that is vital to our health and well-being. Since most of us get more than enough in our diets, many people haven’t heard of nascent iodine or the ways in which it can improve health.
Nascent iodine can help to improve thyroid function and even reduce the risk of diseases such as thyroid cancer. Additionally, it is vital for neurological development in babies, which is why it is so important for pregnant people to get enough iodine in their diets.
You can find nascent iodine in an array of foods, and it is most commonly found in fish, eggs, and seaweed. However, it can also be taken as a supplement.
What Are the Benefits of Nascent Iodine Supplements
Iodine is a mineral that is found in the earth’s soil and ocean waters. It is essential for human health and is especially important for the proper function of the thyroid gland.
This essential mineral is also available as an iodized salt, making sodium iodide or potassium iodide an efficient way of taking this nutrient.
Expert Tip: Iodine deficiency can lead to a number of health problems, including goiters, hypothyroidism, and cretinism. Seaweed is a good source of iodine, as are fish and eggs.
If you’re not a fan of those things, you can also take a nascent iodine supplement to make sure you’re getting enough of this vital nutrient.
There are several benefits to incorporating nascent iodine into your diet.
It Promotes Thyroid Health
Iodine is essential for the proper function of the thyroid gland. This butterfly-shaped gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism, and nascent iodine helps ensure that the thyroid can function properly.
A lack of iodine can lead to a number of problems, including an enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter) and hypothyroidism.
Incorporating nascent iodine into your diet effectively promotes thyroid health, boosts thyroid hormones, and avoids these potential problems.
It Can Help Manage Overactive Thyroid Glands
An overactive thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. This can lead to a condition known as hyperthyroidism, which can cause weight loss, anxiety, and irregular heartbeat.
Iodine supplements help to manage an overactive thyroid by reducing the amount of thyroxine produced by the gland.
It Can Help Treat Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer, but nascent iodine can help to treat it.
In one study, patients with thyroid cancer who were given nascent iodine significantly reduced tumor size [1]. Nascent iodine may also help to prevent thyroid cancer from developing in the first place.
It Reduces the Risk of Goiters
A goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland. It can be caused by iodine deficiency, and it may cause difficulty breathing and swallowing.
Nascent iodine can help to prevent goiters from developing by ensuring that the thyroid gland has enough iodine to function properly.
Expert Tip: Pregnant women and young children are especially susceptible to developing goiters, so it is important for them to get enough iodine.
It Aids Neurodevelopment During Pregnancy
Iodine is essential for neurodevelopment, and nascent iodine helps to ensure that pregnant women and their developing babies get enough of this vital nutrient.
A lack of iodine can lead to reduced cognitive function, intellectual delays, and other developmental problems in babies [2].
This is why maternal iodine supplementation is an essential part of pregnancy, as it helps to improve brain development and helps to showcase the benefits of iodine in development.
Incorporating nascent iodine into your diet during pregnancy helps to ensure that your baby’s brain develops properly. The recommended daily intake of iodine is 220 mcg in pregnant individuals, compared to 150mcg in those who are not pregnant [3].
It Improves Cognitive Function
Iodine is essential for cognitive function, and nascent iodine can help to improve brain function in adults.
One study found that iodine-deficient adults who were given nascent iodine had improved attention span, memory, and verbal fluency compared to those who did not receive the supplement [4].
Nascent iodine can also help to improve cognitive function in children. In one study, school-aged children who were given nascent iodine had improved reading and spelling abilities compared to those who did not receive the supplement [5].
It Can be Used to Disinfect Water
Nascent iodine can also be used to disinfect water, making it safe to drink.
In one study, nascent iodine was found to be just as effective as chlorine in disinfecting water but without the harmful side effects associated with chlorine exposure [6].
Nascent iodine is a safe and effective way to disinfect water, making it an important tool in the fight against waterborne diseases.
It Could be Used to Treat Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Fibrocystic breast disease is a condition that causes pain, tenderness, and lumpiness in the breasts.
Nascent iodine has been shown to reduce the symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease, although more research is needed in this area to confirm its effectiveness.
It Can Treat Infections
Nascent iodine can also be used to treat infections, and it works by killing bacteria that is multiplying around cuts and scrapes on the body.
In one study, nascent iodine was found to be effective in treating ear infections when used as an ear drop [7].
Another study found that nascent iodine was effective in treating skin infections when applied topically [8].
How Much Iodine Do You Need?
The recommended daily intake of iodine is 150mcg for adults, 220 mcg for pregnant women, and 290 mcg for lactating women. Similarly, depending on age, children need up to 120 mcg [3].
Most people get enough iodine from their diet, but some groups of people are at risk for iodine deficiency.
This includes vegans and vegetarians, as well as people who don’t eat seafood or other potassium-iodide-rich foods.
If you’re concerned about your iodine intake, or you want an extensive list of iodine-rich foods, you can talk to your doctor about taking a supplement.
What are the Side Effects of Nascent Iodine?
Nascent iodine is generally safe and well-tolerated, but there are a few side effects that have been reported, especially in those whose iodine levels are too high.
The most common side effect is gastrointestinal distress, which can include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Other reported side effects include:
- skin irritation
- dizziness
- fever
- burning sensations in the throat and mouth
- stomach pain
Most of these side effects are mild and go away on their own, but if you experience any severe side effects, you should stop taking nascent iodine and speak to your doctor.
In extreme cases, an overdose of iodine (too much iodine) can cause iodine toxicity, which can lead to a coma and become serious quickly.
What are the Signs of Nascent Iodine Deficiency?
Iodine deficiency is a serious problem that can lead to goiter, other thyroid issues, and even death. The most common sign of iodine deficiency is goiter, which is an enlargement of the thyroid gland.
Increasing your iodine intake is easy with the inclusion of supplements in your diet, and it will help improve thyroid function and produce more of the thyroid hormone your body needs to thrive.
Other signs of iodine deficiency include:
- difficulty breathing
- difficulty swallowing
- fatigue
- extreme coldness
- hair loss
- depression
- brain fog
- weight gain
When Should You Take Iodine?
Nascent iodine can be taken either as a supplement or as an intramuscular injection. The best time to take iodine is on an empty stomach in the morning.
If you’re taking it as a supplement, you can take it with water or juice. If you’re taking it as an injection, you should speak to your doctor about the best way to administer it.
Which Foods Contain Nascent Iodine?
If you’re looking to get more iodine in your diet, a few foods are rich in this nutrient. This includes:
- Seafood
- Fish
- Eggs
- Seaweed
- Iodized salt
- Dairy products
Can Nascent Iodine Offer Protection from Nuclear Fallout?
Nuclear fallout is a concern in today’s world, and radioactive iodine has been touted as a way to protect the body from the harmful effects of radiation.
Nascent iodine can help to protect the thyroid gland from radiation, and it has been shown to reduce the risk of thyroid cancer in people who were exposed to radiation from nuclear accidents or medical procedures.
Expert Tip: In order to be effective, it needs to be taken before exposure to radiation. While this is not a guarantee, it promises better results than if taken afterwards.
More research is needed in this area, but nascent iodine could offer protection from nuclear fallout.
Should You Supplement With Nascent Iodine?
Nascent iodine is an important mineral that offers many benefits for the body. It’s essential for thyroid health and can also help protect the body from radiation.
Most people get plenty of iodine from their diet, but some groups of people are at risk for deficiency and may need to take a supplement.
Nascent iodine is generally safe, but there are a few side effects that have been reported. If you’re concerned about iodine deficiency, talk to your doctor about taking a supplement.